As we all know the people who are in most need are our brave men and women serving over seas. A lot of our soldiers come back home with PTSD and other psychological disorders from their traumatic experiences. But one way we can aid their needs is through massage therapy. Massage Today has an interesting article on how massage therapy and other holistic treatments can help with the various types of trauma. So please take a look at this article and if you know a veteran or a service man/woman near and dear to your heart, help them out with a massage.
For more information on massage and massage therapy please check us out at or give us a call at 847-673-7595.
European Massage Therapy School
8707 Skokie Blvd. Suite 106
Skokie IL, 60077
Having just been through a car accident, I can attest that massage therapy can be very healing and therapeutic for trauma. Obviously these types of trauma are different, but it could certainly help the troops.